Inspired by Martin flower's repository a layer which mediates domain layer and the persistence layer and there by improves testability and provides a possibility to swap persistence choices. For more details, you can always check out the implementation
Read moreJune 17, 2015
Why Design Principle ? Design principles are all about providing guidelines for building healthy software. It's like saying "an apple in a day keeps the doctor away". Saying so, is not the only way to live, it is rather a guideline to live a healthy life. In a similar way, SOLID (an acronym) is an object oriented design principle to build a healthy software.
Read moreMay 19, 2015
What is state ? In the world of computer science, state is a technical term for all the stored information, at a given instant in time. Output of a computer program at any time is completely determined by its current inputs and its state.
Read moreMay 7, 2015
What is it ? a phenomenon whereby something new and somehow valuable is formed, such as an idea, a scientific theory, an invention, a literary work , a painting, a musical composition, a joke, etc.
Read moreMay 3, 2015